Third Way – The Legacy of Hanza

Third Way – The Legacy of Hanza


installation at Homeland Museum in Galanta

curated by Zsófia Nagy

photo: András Cséfalvay Á.

The exhibition explores the legacy of a forgotten cooperative movement, Hanza, which sought to organise the economic and community life of Hungarians in Czechoslovakia between the two world wars. My hometown Galanta was the centre of the Hanza cooperative, but there are no signs to commemorate it. The exhibition was an attempt to draw attention not only to its physical disappearance from the town, but also from the minds of the citizens. The artworks reflect the often controversial ideologies that shaped Hanza. This project involved many collaborators and institutions and with they contribution we were able to create a “Museum” with original artifacts collected from individuals, collectors and institutions. The exhibition was a mixture of an objective research (museum and publication) and a subjective viewpoint (artworks). At the heart of this project, there is a question of how the story of Hanza can be told in a way that speaks of their achievements, their real successes, but also of their failures and, sometimes, sins. 

3D presentation of the exhibition
