

A recurring idea in Csilla Nagy’s work are the ways of remembrance, strategies how individuals or communities are commemorating events which are of value to them. The topic of remembrance for her is a constant pulsing between the private and the global. On one hand she is trying to observe and reflect on her narrow environment, but in parallel she is seeking for a wider context.

In the recent years she has been interested in ceramics which she integrates into her artistic practices with ease: using clay in a conceptual and experimental way, trying ancient techniques, new methods, different types of clay, digging deep in the history of ceramics and searching for the latest technological innovation. Csilla Nagy is able to work from almost a miniature scale in Egyptian faience or porcelain lithophane to a large format installations.


C U R R I C U L U M   V I T A E


2010  – 2015   Doctoral studies at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design

                          Intermedia and Multimedia Department, Bratislava, Slovakia

2009 – 2004    Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest

                          Sculpture Department, György Jovánovics class

2004 – 1999    Secondary School of Dance and Art, Győr, Hungary

1999 – 1994    Zoltán Kodály Grammar School, Galanta, Slovakia



2018 –              Assistant Professor at J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia

2009 – 2016    Assistant-mistress of sculpture at Secondary School of Dance and Art, Győr, Hungary


G R A N T S ,   A W A R D S ,   P A R T I C I P A T I O N

2019      Participation at the Symposium of Paksi Képtár (HU)

2018      Scholarship of Visegrad Artist Residency Program – Visual and Sound Arts, Kecskemét (HU)

2018      Derkovits Gyula Fine Art Scholarship (HU)

2017      Derkovits Gyula Fine Art Scholarship (HU)

2016      Art scholarship of the Hungarian Academy in Rome (IT)

2016      Inner Conflict – Workshop Lecturer at Tartu Art College (EST)

2016      Derkovits Gyula Fine Art Scholarship (HU)

2014      Art Quarter Budapest – participation in residency program in Budapest (HU)

2012      Abandoned (re)Creations – participation in symposium in Trenčianske Teplice (SK)

2012      Participation in the XVI. Symposium of Alesd (RO)              

2010      Elements Cuisine – organiser and participant of an international workshop in Galanta (SK)

2009      Erasmus Scholarship at Tallinn University of Art (EST)

2009      City as a living organism – participation in international workshop in Paldiski (ET)

2008      Member of the Studio of Young Artists Association, Budapest (HU)                                   

2004      VII. National Sculpture Competition for Secondary Schools of Art and Design, 2. Price (HU)


S E L E C T E D   E X H I B I T I O N S


         > Fading Earth, At Home Gallery, Šamorín (SK)

         > Earth – Earth (solo), Ernest Zmeták Art Gallery in Nové Zámky (SK)

         > Symbionts, Prüger-Wallner Garden, Bratislava (SK)


         > A Slower Dawn! – Vanishing Points 4.0, Trafó Gallery, Budapest (HU)

         > ACLIM!, OFF Biennale Budapest, A.P.A Gallery, Budapest (HU)

         > Third Way – The Legacy of Hanza (solo), Homeland History Museum of Galanta / Pohoda Festival, Trenčín (SK)


         > The Essence of the Things (solo), 4D Gallery, Galanta (SK)

         > For Family Reasons, MODEM, Debrecen (HU)

         > Rondo, Benedictine Abbey, Pannonhalma (HU)

         > Tellerrand, Kunstwerk e.V., Potsdam (DE)


         > UUT– Unit Under Test (solo), Fríz-terem, Budapest (HU)

         > Derkó 2018, Kunsthalle, Budapest (HU)

         > Life jacket, M21 Gallery, Pécs (HU)

         > Stúdió 18, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest (HU)


         > In Medias Res (solo), 4D Gallery, Galanta (SK)

         > On the Sex of Angels, Galeria Nicodim, Bukarest (RO)

         > Trianon for me, Teleport Gallery / Chimera Projects / OFF Biennale Budapest (HU)

         > Exhibition of the scholarship holders at the Accademia d’Ungheria, Rome (IT)

         > Escape from Noise, 2B Gallery, Budapest (HU)

         > Post Contemporary, Telep Galéria, Budapest (HU)

         > Derkó 2016, Műcsarnok, Budapest (HU)


         > Post Tenebras Lux (solo), Óbudai Társaskör Galéria, Budapest (HU)

         > Kezdőtőke, m21 Galéria, Pécs (HU)  

         > Dixi-Show, KDKunst Galerie, Wallhöfen (DE)

         > Jovánovics György – Egy önéletrajz, Vaszary Gallery, Balatonfüred (HU)

         > Connections, Labor Gallery, Budapest (HU)

         > From the house, from the garden… (solo), Budapest Galéria, Budapest (HU)


         > The Fourth House (solo), At Home Gallery, Šamorín (SK)


        > Lessons of Saturn (solo), Vermes villa, Dunajská streda (SK)

        > Backwater, Óbudai Társaskör Galéria, Budapest (HU)

        > Sculptur Lab – Propaganda, Pisztory Palace, Bratislava (SK)


        > Bonaj Lokoj, Prádelna Bohnice, Prague (CZ)

        > Crosstalk Video Art Festival Budapest, Higgsfield, Budapest (HU)

        > Masoobjekt 2013, 4D Gallery, Galanta (SK)

        > Fire Walk With Me!, Studio Gallery, Budapest (HU)

        > Utopiatrap, (collaboration) KAIR Košice (SK) / Galéria Viltin Budapest (HU)


         > Masoobjekt 2012, 4D Gallery, Galanta (SK)

         > Abandoned (Re)Creations, Trenčianske Teplice (SK) / Bunka, Nitra (SK)

         > Rauschzeit, Art-Etage, Biel (CH) / KDKunst Wallhöfen (DE)


        > Amplitude, Šamorín (SK)

        > artMUSE Media art Festival, Spinnerei des Textilmuseums, Bocholt (DE)

        > Fade In, Gallery PF01, Bratislava (SK)


        > MASO object 2010, 4D Gallery, Galanta (SK)

        > Short Term Large Scale, Raadi Park, Tartu (EST)

        > Without Colors, At Home Gallery, Šamorín (SK)


        > Kďe Váh Víri, Gallery Creon, Šaľa (SK)

        > Herzleid II. (solo), Gallery F43, Prague (CZ)

        > Recruit, Studio Gallery, Budapest (HU)